In order to get the short notes in tune, you would need to set a fast Retune Speed, but this can cause sustained notes to sound unnaturally static. One situation that can be problematic for pitch correction is a performance that includes both short and long sustained notes. As you move the control toward higher values, the correction area around the scale note gets smaller, and more expressive pitch variation is allowed through. When Flex-Tune is engaged, it only applies correction as the performer approaches the target note.
When Flex-Tune is set to zero, Auto-Tune Synergy is always pulling every note toward a target scale note. Flex-Tune – this control allows you to preserve a singer’s expressive vocal gestures, while still applying the corrective tuning that Auto-Tune is famous for.Larger values allow more vibrato and other interpretive pitch gestures, but slow down how rapidly corrections are made. A setting between 10 and 50 is typical for more natural sounding pitch correction. For the Auto-Tune Effect, set the Retune Speed to zero. A zero setting will cause immediate changes from one pitch to another and will completely suppress any vibrato or deviations in pitch. Retune Speed – Retune Speed controls how rapidly the pitch correction is applied to the incoming audio.